(02) 6248 2600 AFTER HOURS CALMS 1300 422 567 - Majura Park Medical Centre, 25-31 Mustang Avenue Canberra Airport

Dr Abby Krishnamoorthy


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Dr Abby grew up in Canberra and graduated from Australian National University in 2011. She holds a Bachelor of Biomedical Science from the University of Queensland and has worked as a doctor in various parts of Australia including Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. She has recently relocated back to Canberra, wishing to raise her young family in this small and vibrant city.


She is an 'all-rounder' GP, and has broad areas of interest including women's health and preventative medicine. She places a strong emphasis on evidence-based medicine and patient empowerment.


Dr Yen Haw Khor


Dr Yen Khor graduated from the Australian National University.

He has worked in both Canberra Hospital and Concord Repatriation Hospital in Sydney before doing his GP training at South Coast NSW. He worked in Sapphire Coast Medical Practice and Gungahlin Medical Centre before joining our practice. He did a lot of skin cancer and procedural training whilst doing his GP training, and has also been involved in running a skin cancer clinic since he moved to Canberra in 2020.

Dr Yen Khor is interested in skin cancer checks and removal (including performing biopsies, excisions and small skin flaps), mental health, men’s health and minor surgical procedures (including Implanon insertion). He also enjoys all aspects of general practice and welcomes all different presentations of medical issues.

Language spoken: English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Hokkien.


Dr Tharani Tharmakumar

BMed, MD


Tharani received her medical degree from the University of New South Wales in 2019, and did her hospital training years within Canberra. She is currently training as a General Practice Registrar, and found that she enjoys all areas of the field. In particular, she has a special interest in paediatrics, preventative health and mental health.  In her spare time she likes to read and explore Canberra.


Dr Aung Lynn


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Dr Aung Lynn obtained his medical degree from the Australian National University in 2014. Prior to studying medicine, Dr Lynn gained a Bachelor of Science from the University of Queensland in 2009, majoring in Biomedical Science and Neuroscience. He has experience in various surgical specialties and did a brief stint as an orthopaedics registrar at the Canberra Hospital. He then completed his General Practice training in Canberra and gained his Fellowship with the RACGP in 2022.


His clinical interests include skin cancer medicine, general dermatology, and musculoskeletal medicine. As well as performing skin checks, Dr Lynn is able to perform minor procedures including skin lesion excisions, ingrown toenail removal, and Implanon insertion/removal. He is also an accredited GP supervisor and is regularly involved in the teaching and supervision of GP registrars and medical students.


Outside of work, Aung enjoys cooking, exploring the local food scene, and spending time with his wife and corgi.


Dr Lynn has obtained the following qualifications:

·         Professional Certificate of Skin Cancer Medicine

·         Professional Certificate of Skin Cancer Surgery

·         Professional Certificate of Dermoscopy

·         Advanced Clinical Certificate of Dermoscopy

·         Membership of the Australian Institute of Dermatology



Dr Gina Smith

BA BSc GradDip SciComm MBBS(hons) FRACGP

Gina has a special interest in preventative health care, children's and women's health, as well as reproductive and sexual health throughout the lifespan.

She provides minor procedures including:

Implanon insertion/removal

IUD insertion/removal (Mirena, Kyleena, Copper)

Iron infusion

Skin biopsy and minor excisions

Gina also offers medical termination of pregnancy for suitable patients. (Please note that this requires a minimum of 3 appointments to allow for planning, investigations and follow up. A long initial appointment is required.)

Gina graduated from the University of Melbourne Medical School in 2013, and has worked in General Practice since 2016, as well as teaching GPs in training and assisting in the development of clinical guidelines for General Practice. Gina studied widely and worked in science communication and education before realising her passion for healthcare.

Outside of work she enjoys bushwalks and chasing her toddlers around the vegetable patch.


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Dr Yew Choy Cheong



Dr Cheong received his medical degree in 2005 from the University of Adelaide. After completing 4 years of formal advanced surgical training in the Hunter New England region, he had a change of heart, which led him into General Practice, and he has thoroughly enjoyed it since. His main area of interest now is in skin cancer management. He regularly performs skin check and skin cancer surgery. Due to his previous experience, he also does minor procedures, including implanon insertion/removal and ingrown toe nail. His other areas of interest include preventative health and emergency medicine, however, he enjoys all aspects of general practice. Dr Cheong has a Professional Diploma of Skin Cancer Surgery (Bond University), and Professional Diploma of Dermoscopy (International Dermoscopy Society)

Originally from Malaysia, Dr Cheong is able to converse in English, Cantonese, Malay and some Mandarin.


Dr Clara Tuck Meng Soo

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MA (Cantab) MBBS(Hons) (Lon) GradDipPopInHlth (ANU) FRACGP
Practice Principal

Dr Clara Tuck Meng Soo grew up in Malaysia before moving to UK where she received her medical training at Cambridge University and King’s College London.  She worked for several years in the UK before migrating to Australia in 1989.  In 2002 she became Practice Principal of Interchange General Practice which transitioned to Hobart Place General Practice in August 2019.  She is currently the Practice Principal of Hobart Place General Practice in Canberra City and East Canberra General Practice at Canberra Airport. Her clinical interests include HIV medicine (s100 prescriber), hepatitis B and C, transgender health, and drug & alcohol medicine. 


Dr Lindsay Rodgers

BMedSci, GradDipInfImm, MBBS (Hons)

Dr Rodgers graduated as Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS (Honours) at the Australian National University in 2013.  She completed a Bachelor of Medical Science (BMedSci) in 2008 at the University of Sydney. In 2014 and 2015 she was an intern and then a resident at Canberra Hospital.

In 2016, she was appointed as Sexual Health Registrar at Canberra Sexual Health Centre, The Canberra Hospital.  She was involved in the diagnosis and management of STIs, genital dermatological conditions, and screening for high risk groups. She is an s100 prescriber in HIV and manages patients with HIV in the community.

Dr Rodgers also has an interest in gender medicine and transgender care and is a member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. 


Vikram Rai

Vikram Rai

General Manager

Vikram graduated in 2007 from the Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School with a Bachelor of Commerce (Hospitality and Tourism Management) and subsequently managed several restaurants.  Vikram was appointed Practice Manager of Watson General Practice in February 2015 and General Manager of the TMS Healthcare Group in July 2017.


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Dr Donna Curnow



Dr Curnow has twenty five years’ experience in General Practice, working in Hobart and Canberra. She has a special interest in paediatrics, women’s health and early pregnancy care.

She is trained in Focussed Psychological Strategies and is able to offer long appointments for support and management of mild to moderate anxiety and depression.

She also works as a medical educator, involved in training the next generation of GPs.


Dr Betty Ge

General Practitioner, Female, MBBS

Speaks English

Dr Betty (Xiaoting) Ge received her medical degree from ANU in 2018 and completed her internship and residency years locally in The Canberra Hospital and Calvary Hospital.

She enjoys all aspects of general practice and her special interest areas include: children's health, women's health, sexual health and family planning, and emergency medicine. Dr Ge grew up in China and is native speaker of Mandarin.

Areas of interest:

  • Sexual health

  • Child & Adolescent Health

  • Family planning

  • Emergency medicin



Dr Stephanie Cheung



Stephanie completed her first degree, in biomedical science, at the University of Auckland. She then studied medicine at the ANU and graduated in 2012. Following this, she worked as an intern and resident at The Canberra Hospital and started her general practice training in Bega. Stephanie speaks Cantonese.

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“I have a real passion for palliative care- being with patients facing a terminal illness- being part of that, supporting the patient and the patient’s family.”


Dr Samar Aumarah



Over the last 10 years Dr Aumarah has worked in emergency, obstetrics, palliative care and oncology in hospitals in Western Australia and NSW. More recently she has become a General Practitioner.

She has a particular interest in women and children’s health and is qualified in Mirena implants and removal. “As a mother of a child I understands the challenges of parenting”

Dr Aumarah only offer afterhours Telehealth Appointments from 5-7pm Tue / Thu each week.


Dr Mary Jane Micua

FRACGP,M.D.( Philippines), B.S. Medical Technology(Philippines)

Dr. Mary Jane completed her medical degree in the Philippines and had an extensive training in Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as some training in Emergency Medicine. Her medical training in Australia started at St. George Hospital, The Sutherland Hospital and the Calvary Hospital. She attained her General Practice fellowship working at an Aboriginal Medical Service and mainstream general practice at the Midnorth coast area in NSW for 7 years.

She has post graduate certificates in Skin cancer medicine, Dermoscopy, Sexual and Reproductive health.

She has special interest in Aboriginal health, Women’s heath, Aged care and Skin cancer medicine.

She enjoys walking with her husband during her spare time, exploring new places where natures abounds, singing, playing her guitar and reading inspirational books.


Dr Kate Molinari


Kate grew up in Canberra and graduated from the University of Sydney Medical School in 1999. She has worked as a doctor in Norway. Kate has particular interest in children’s health. 

Lactation consultant

Kate has particular interest in children’s health and has completed a Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.  She is also a qualified lactation consultant.  She can assist with all aspects of breastfeeding.

Kate is only seeing children and lactation patients at the moment.

Please call: 02 6248 2600 to book an appointment with Dr Molinari.




Dr Fabian Chiong

MBBS MClinMed(L&Mgt) Clin Dip Pall Med FRACP

Dr Fabian Chiong is a consultant physician in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. He holds a staff specialist appointment at The Canberra Hospital and North Canberra Public Hospital, and has admitting and consulting privileges at National Capital Private Hospital, Calvary Bruce Private Hospital and Calvary John James Private Hospital.


Dr Chiong completed his medical degree at the University of Melbourne. He is dual trained in infectious diseases and general medicine. He did most of his specialty training at Austin Health (Melbourne), The Prince of Wales Hospital (Sydney) and John Hunter Hospital (Newcastle).


He has broad experience in managing various complex infection and internal medicine problems. For internal medicine, he has special interests in rheumatic diseases and palliative care. For infectious diseases, his key clinical interests are in bone and joint infections, skin and soft tissue infections, bladder and kidney infections, opportunistic infections in immunocompromised host and viral hepatitis.


In Dr Chiong's clinical practice, he places the importance on patient-centred care, and believes in good communication with patients and their families. Outside medicine, Dr Chiong enjoys playing table tennis and badminton. Dr Chiong is able to converse in English, Mandarin, Malay and Cantonese.


Areas of interest:

  • Internal medicine

  • Infectious Diseases

    Dr Fabian Chiong’s Fees Table:
    Specialist services  


A/Prof Susan Wearne


Susan qualified as a doctor at Southampton University in England, and then completed general practice training in Northamptonshire and back home in Cheshire. She has over 30 years’ experience as a GP, has been a practice owner, and has worked in a variety of settings including the Aboriginal Medical Service in Alice Springs and for the Royal Flying Doctor Service at Ayers Rock Medical Centre. She has extra qualifications in child health, women’s health, family planning, primary health care and medical education. Susan enjoys the variety of general practice and fits the long-acting contraceptives Implanon and the Mirena intra-uterine system.


Susan is a Clinical Associate Professor at Australian National University and has published over 40 peer-reviewed articles on general practice and medical education. The fourth edition of her textbook ‘Clinical Cases for General Practice Exams’ is in production. She is Senior Medical Adviser at the Commonwealth Department of Health, for the Health Workforce Division which manages general practice training nationally and other programs that promote Australians’ access to qualified health professionals.  


Susan’s husband, Tim Henderson, is the eye surgeon at Alice Springs Hospital. Their married daughter lives in England and their son works in Adelaide. Between flights home to Alice, Susan swims, makes clothes, knits, listens to classical music and enjoys the scenery on the lake as she learns to row.


Susan consults on Tuesday afternoons, Friday mornings and some weekends, at East Canberra General Practice. 


Janine Rath

Senior Nurse

Janine received her Diploma Applied Science (Nursing) in 1990 from Avondale College and her Graduate Diploma Clinical Nursing in 1993 from University of Sydney. Her nursing experience has been divided amongst hospitals and community health. As well as her many years of clinical nursing experience, her roles have included management and clinical education. One of the highlights of her nursing career was the opportunity to work voluntarily in Nepal. Janine has a keen interest in wound care, continence promotion and management and primary health. Since her initial Diploma, she has continued her education with study in these areas. When not at work, Janine enjoys paper and wool crafts, reading and outdoor activities such as camping and bush walking.


Mrs Mariame Iraki

Mariame holds a Master of Nutrition and Dietetics and a Doctorate of Pharmacy and has completed further training in health coaching, science of weight management and sport nutrition. She speaks several languages, including English, French and Arabic.

Mariame is experienced in a range of clinical conditions and has a good understanding of diet-disease relationships. She is qualified to provide strategies and motivation to address health concerns including diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, weight management and food intolerance, as well as general lifestyle and healthy eating advice. She has a special interest in food intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and weight management. She provides patients with individual meal plans that meet their nutritional requirements while fitting into their lifestyle and family needs.
